How much is shipping?

Shipping will vary depending on product and weight of product.

Is your ordering system secure?

Yes, we do have a fraud protection system in place and information is secured with shopify security systems.

I sent an email and haven't heard back?

We respond to e-mails as quickly as we can however during high volume launches/sales please expect to hear back within 24-48 hours. We do not respond back to e-mails over the weekend. If you need immediate assistance please call us during our business hours we are open Mon-Fri from 9am to 5pm Pacific Time.

Shrinking item?

For most of our products we do recommend washing with cold water and hang drying, we would not recommend using a dryer as they might damage or shrink the items. Some products can shrink more considerably than others depending on the materials used. Items that have been washed are not eligible for returns or exchanges.